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How to improve YouTube's Artificial Intelligence

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YouTube's artificial intelligence is proving to be unreliable. This is a concern because the algorithm can misunderstand gun rights and software rights. It also has a right-leaning political bias. It can also cause recommendations to be worse for users not fluent in English. YouTube's algorithms have not received the attention they deserve.

YouTube's artificial intellect has some problems

YouTube's first quarter 2019 focused on AI and machine-learning and removed 75% harmful content automatically. This was often before the video had even been viewed. YouTube deleted 11.4 million videos in the second quarter of 2020 Community Guidelines Enforcement Report. Researchers manually flagged 10%. Unfortunately, AI isn't yet capable of stopping all bad content. Its algorithms remain biased and are unable detect content from human reviews or censorship.

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YouTube's algorithm is not perfect. YouTube has admitted that it is working on fixing these problems. The company's AI algorithm measures how much time people spend watching videos to help improve recommendations. It also takes into account user history in order to predict whether users will like a certain video. This is called weighted logistic regression. The problem is that this method gives more weight to videos that have high ratings than ones that have low ratings.

YouTube's artificial intelligence: How to improve it

YouTube's AI uses randomness to rank topics. YouTube's AI also allows users to flag content that is in violation of their platform rules. Nearly nine million videos were flagged by YouTube for removal according to the Community Guidelines Enforcement Report for quarter two of 2021. This is a major improvement for the company. However, there are many ways to improve on the technology.

YouTube is a top source of entertainment. With more than 30,000,000 Premium subscribers, it has billions and billions. It uses artificial intelligence to improve its operations and deliver more relevant content to its users. Its artificial intelligence can predict which videos are most likely go viral and analyze the quality uploaded content. YouTube's business model has become more profitable and efficient with this type of AI. YouTube is striving to make its artificial intelligence even better.

Improve your machine learning

YouTube's machine-learning capabilities can be improved by implementing the "Up Next” feature. This feature uses artificial intelligent to help users find videos they like. YouTube's dataset changes frequently, with new videos being uploaded every minute. AI must be able handle all this data while still providing personalized suggestions. This is not an easy task. But it is one worth trying.

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Google researchers have suggested a solution. The researchers suggested tweaking YouTube’s algorithm to reduce bias. This would mean that videos at the top of the sidebar would get less weight and videos further down the rankings would receive greater weight. The changes were tested on YouTube in real-time. They discovered that users engaged more with their changes. YouTube is currently working to improve its machine learning capabilities.


Is there any other technology that can compete with AI?

Yes, but this is still not the case. There are many technologies that have been created to solve specific problems. All of them cannot match the speed or accuracy that AI offers.

What are some examples AI apps?

AI can be used in many areas including finance, healthcare and manufacturing. These are just a few of the many examples.

  • Finance - AI can already detect fraud in banks. AI can scan millions of transactions every day and flag suspicious activity.
  • Healthcare - AI can be used to spot cancerous cells and diagnose diseases.
  • Manufacturing - AI can be used in factories to increase efficiency and lower costs.
  • Transportation - Self driving cars have been successfully tested in California. They are now being trialed across the world.
  • Utilities use AI to monitor patterns of power consumption.
  • Education - AI has been used for educational purposes. For example, students can interact with robots via their smartphones.
  • Government - AI is being used within governments to help track terrorists, criminals, and missing people.
  • Law Enforcement - AI is being used as part of police investigations. Detectives can search databases containing thousands of hours of CCTV footage.
  • Defense - AI systems can be used offensively as well defensively. It is possible to hack into enemy computers using AI systems. Artificial intelligence can also be used defensively to protect military bases from cyberattacks.

Who is the current leader of the AI market?

Artificial Intelligence is a branch of computer science that studies the creation of intelligent machines capable of performing tasks normally performed by humans. It includes speech recognition and translation, visual perception, natural language process, reasoning, planning, learning and decision-making.

There are many types of artificial intelligence technologies available today, including machine learning and neural networks, expert system, evolutionary computing and genetic algorithms, as well as rule-based systems and case-based reasoning. Knowledge representation and ontology engineering are also included.

It has been argued that AI cannot ever fully understand the thoughts of humans. Deep learning technology has allowed for the creation of programs that can do specific tasks.

Today, Google's DeepMind unit is one of the world's largest developers of AI software. Demis Hassabis founded it in 2010, having been previously the head for neuroscience at University College London. DeepMind, an organization that aims to match professional Go players, created AlphaGo.


  • More than 70 percent of users claim they book trips on their phones, review travel tips, and research local landmarks and restaurants. (builtin.com)
  • By using BrainBox AI, commercial buildings can reduce total energy costs by 25% and improves occupant comfort by 60%. (analyticsinsight.net)
  • Additionally, keeping in mind the current crisis, the AI is designed in a manner where it reduces the carbon footprint by 20-40%. (analyticsinsight.net)
  • In 2019, AI adoption among large companies increased by 47% compared to 2018, according to the latest Artificial IntelligenceIndex report. (marsner.com)
  • According to the company's website, more than 800 financial firms use AlphaSense, including some Fortune 500 corporations. (builtin.com)

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How To

How to create an AI program

It is necessary to learn how to code to create simple AI programs. There are many programming languages, but Python is our favorite. It's simple to learn and has lots of free resources online, such as YouTube videos and courses.

Here's an overview of how to set up the basic project 'Hello World'.

To begin, you will need to open another file. On Windows, you can press Ctrl+N and on Macs Command+N to open a new file.

Next, type hello world into this box. Enter to save your file.

Now press F5 for the program to start.

The program should show Hello World!

However, this is just the beginning. You can learn more about making advanced programs by following these tutorials.


How to improve YouTube's Artificial Intelligence